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Interface: PushProductsConsumer

Implement this interface for APIs that can receive products.



pushProducts(products): Promise<{ product?: { id?: string; variationParentId?: string; name?: string; description?: string; manufacturer?: string; netPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; grossPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; ... 7 more ...; attributeValues?: Record<...>; } = ZProductDto; sourceId?: string }[]>

Pushes the products to the external system and returns the list of pushed products.


products{ product?: { id?: string; variationParentId?: string; name?: string; description?: string; manufacturer?: string; netPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; grossPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; ... 7 more ...; attributeValues?: Record<...>; } = ZProductDto; sourceId?: string }[]The products to push


Promise<{ product?: { id?: string; variationParentId?: string; name?: string; description?: string; manufacturer?: string; netPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; grossPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; ... 7 more ...; attributeValues?: Record<...>; } = ZProductDto; sourceId?: string }[]>


The sourceId of the container MUST NOT change

Defined in
