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Interface: OrdersUpdateSupplier

This is the caller side of the contract.


  1. The processUpdateRequest method converts the raw http request into an PatchOrdersRequest
  2. The PatchOrdersRequest is processed by the other system which returns the OrderDto for the patched order
  3. The provideUpdatedOrder method converts the OrderDto to a response that is suitable for the requesting system.



processUpdateRequest(request): Promise<{ fields?: [{ field?: string; operation?: PatchOperation.Remove; } | { field?: string ; operation?: Append ; value?: unknown } | { field?: string ; operation?: Set ; value?: unknown }, ...(({ field?: string; operation?: PatchOperation.Remove; }) | Object | Object)[]] ; filters?: [{ field?: string ; operation?: FilterOperation ; value?: unknown }, ...Object[]] }>

Handle the incoming request and transform it to a QueryOrdersRequest.


requestObjectThe raw http request to process.
request.headers?Record<string, string>-


Promise<{ fields?: [{ field?: string; operation?: PatchOperation.Remove; } | { field?: string ; operation?: Append ; value?: unknown } | { field?: string ; operation?: Set ; value?: unknown }, ...(({ field?: string; operation?: PatchOperation.Remove; }) | Object | Object)[]] ; filters?: [{ field?: string ; operation?: FilterOperation ; value?: unknown }, ...Object[]] }>

The PatchOrdersRequest


Raw http request:

POST /order_id=1234
Content-Type: application/json

"state": 1,
"customer_update": {
"name": "John"


filters: [
{field: 'id', operation: FilterOperation.Equal, value: enforce<OrderDto["id"]>('1234')}
fields: [
{field: 'status', operation: PatchOperation.Set, value: enforce<OrderDto["status"]>('PROCESSING')},
{field: 'deliveryAddress.firstName', operation: PatchOperation.Set, value: enforce<AddressDto["firstName"]>('John')},
{field: 'invoiceAddress.firstName', operation: PatchOperation.Set, value: enforce<AddressDto["firstName"]>('John')},

Defined in



provideUpdatedOrders(orders): Promise<{ body?: string ; headers?: Record<string, string> ; statusCode?: number }>

Convert the updated orders to valid http response.


orders{ attributeValues?: Record<string, unknown> = ZAttributeValues; customer?: { id?: string; mailAddress?: string; phoneNumber?: string; vatId?: string; attributeValues?: Record<string, unknown>; } ; deliveryAddress?: { id?: string; company?: string; firstName?: string; surname?: string; line2?: string; street?: string; houseNumber?: string; zipCode?: string; city?: string; countryCode?: string; state?: string; attributeValues?: Record<...>; } ; id?: string ; invoiceAddress?: { id?: string; company?: string; firstName?: string; surname?: string; line2?: string; street?: string; houseNumber?: string; zipCode?: string; city?: string; countryCode?: string; state?: string; attributeValues?: Record<...>; } ; items?: { id?: string; name?: string; description?: string; sku?: string; amount?: number; singleNetPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; singleGrossPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; taxRate?: number; attributeValues?: Record<...>; }[] ; orderDate?: string = ZDateTimeString; orderNumber?: string ; paymentStatus?: "OPEN" | "IN_PROGRESS" | "PARTIALLY_PAID" | "PAID" | "PARTIALLY_REFUNDED" | "REFUNDED" = ZPaymentStatus; shipments?: { id?: string; date?: string; sourceCountryCode?: string; method?: string; netPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; grossPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; taxRate?: number; attributeValues?: Record<...>; }[] ; status?: "OPEN" | "CONFIRMED" | "PROCESSING" | "CANCELED" | "COMPLETED" = ZOrderStatus; transactions?: { id?: string; date?: string; type?: "PAYMENT" | "REFUND"; method?: string; amount?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; attributeValues?: Record<string, unknown>; }[] }[]The updated orders.


Promise<{ body?: string ; headers?: Record<string, string> ; statusCode?: number }>

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