Interface: OrdersUpdateConsumer
Implement this interface for APIs that can receive order updates.
▸ updateOrders(request
): Promise
<{ attributeValues?
: Record
, unknown
> = ZAttributeValues; customer?
: { id?: string; mailAddress?: string; phoneNumber?: string; vatId?: string; attributeValues?: Record<string, unknown>; } ; deliveryAddress?
: { id?: string; company?: string; firstName?: string; surname?: string; line2?: string; street?: string; houseNumber?: string; zipCode?: string; city?: string; countryCode?: string; state?: string; attributeValues?: Record<...>; } ; id?
: string
; invoiceAddress?
: { id?: string; company?: string; firstName?: string; surname?: string; line2?: string; street?: string; houseNumber?: string; zipCode?: string; city?: string; countryCode?: string; state?: string; attributeValues?: Record<...>; } ; items?
: { id?: string; name?: string; description?: string; sku?: string; amount?: number; singleNetPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; singleGrossPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; taxRate?: number; attributeValues?: Record<...>; }[] ; orderDate?
: string
= ZDateTimeString; orderNumber?
: string
; paymentStatus?
: "OPEN"
| "PAID"
= ZPaymentStatus; shipments?
: { id?: string; date?: string; sourceCountryCode?: string; method?: string; netPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; grossPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; taxRate?: number; attributeValues?: Record<...>; }[] ; status?
: "OPEN"
= ZOrderStatus; transactions?
: { id?: string; date?: string; type?: "PAYMENT" | "REFUND"; method?: string; amount?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; attributeValues?: Record<string, unknown>; }[] }[]>
Updates a set of orders.
Name | Type | Description |
request | Object | The request that contain details for patching orders |
request.fields? | [{ field?: string; operation?: PatchOperation.Remove; } | { field? : string ; operation? : Append ; value? : unknown } | { field? : string ; operation? : Set ; value? : unknown }, ...(({ field?: string; operation?: PatchOperation.Remove; }) | Object | Object)[]] | - |
request.filters? | [{ field? : string ; operation? : FilterOperation ; value? : unknown }, ...Object[]] | - |
<{ attributeValues?
: Record
, unknown
> = ZAttributeValues; customer?
: { id?: string; mailAddress?: string; phoneNumber?: string; vatId?: string; attributeValues?: Record<string, unknown>; } ; deliveryAddress?
: { id?: string; company?: string; firstName?: string; surname?: string; line2?: string; street?: string; houseNumber?: string; zipCode?: string; city?: string; countryCode?: string; state?: string; attributeValues?: Record<...>; } ; id?
: string
; invoiceAddress?
: { id?: string; company?: string; firstName?: string; surname?: string; line2?: string; street?: string; houseNumber?: string; zipCode?: string; city?: string; countryCode?: string; state?: string; attributeValues?: Record<...>; } ; items?
: { id?: string; name?: string; description?: string; sku?: string; amount?: number; singleNetPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; singleGrossPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; taxRate?: number; attributeValues?: Record<...>; }[] ; orderDate?
: string
= ZDateTimeString; orderNumber?
: string
; paymentStatus?
: "OPEN"
| "PAID"
= ZPaymentStatus; shipments?
: { id?: string; date?: string; sourceCountryCode?: string; method?: string; netPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; grossPrice?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; taxRate?: number; attributeValues?: Record<...>; }[] ; status?
: "OPEN"
= ZOrderStatus; transactions?
: { id?: string; date?: string; type?: "PAYMENT" | "REFUND"; method?: string; amount?: { value?: number; divisor?: number; currencyCode?: string; }; attributeValues?: Record<string, unknown>; }[] }[]>
The list of patched orders
The request contain filters. All orders that match against all filters are updated.
filters: [
{field: 'status', operation: FilterOperation.Equal, value: 'OPEN'}
{field: 'customer.vatId', operation: FilterOperation.NotEqual, value: ''}
fields: [
{field: 'customer.vatId', operation: PatchOperation.Remove}
This request will remove the vatId of the customer in orders (fields) that match against these filters:
- Filter 1: status == 'OPEN'
- Filter 2: vatId != ''
If the data in the external system contains:
| Order # | Status | Customer VatId. |
| ------- | --------- | --------------- |
| ORD#1 | OPEN | |
| ORD#2 | OPEN | DE123456789 |
| ORD#4 | COMPLETED | DE123456789 |
| ORD#5 | OPEN | DE987654321 |
The request would match against ORD#2 and ORD#5
But NOT against:
- ORD#1 because VatId. is empty
- ORD#3 because status != 'OPEN' and VatId. is empty
- ORD#4 because status != 'OPEN'
Defined in